Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter & Happy Birthday

I hope everyone had a great Easter today... Ours was a special one because it was also my son, Noah's first birthday party. My family came in town to spend the whole last week celebrating with us & Hayden's family joined with us today for a little party for him. I just can't believe that my BABY is a whole YEAR old! I remember this time last year looking at my little 7 lb. baby & then seeing a little boy that was a year old & thinking "Wow, Noah's going to be that BIG in a year! I can't imagine!" Now looking at a tiny baby & thinking "Wow, Noah was that SMALL a year ago!" just blows my mind. Time goes so quick & slow at the same time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can make such a "normal" setting look so professional... I love this photo of Noah. What a great day it was!